UAE equivalency certificate for Indian degree holders: requirements and process

uae equivalency certificate degree holders
If you are an Indian degree holder seeking career opportunities or further education opportunities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), you may need to obtain an equivalency certificate from the UAE Ministry of Education. This certificate validates the equivalence of your academic qualifications to the UAE’s education system, ensuring that your degree is recognized and accepted by employers and educational institutions in the country.We will guide you through the requirements and process of obtaining the UAE equivalency certificate for Indian degree holders.
What is an Equivalency Certificate?
Issued by the UAE Ministry of Education (MOE), an equivalency certificate serves as official recognition that your foreign degree or qualification meets local UAE requirements. It essentially confirms:
  • Your degree-awarding institution is accredited and recognized by the UAE.
  • Your program and curriculum align with UAE standards.
  • Your degree is authentic and not counterfeit.
Who Needs an Equivalency Certificate in the UAE?
Equivalency Certificate is mandatory for:
  • Students: Enrolling in UAE universities with foreign qualifications.
  • Teachers and Lecturers: Securing jobs in UAE Educational Institutions.
  • Engineers: Registering with professional bodies like the Society of Engineers.
  • Healthcare Professionals: Applying for medical licenses.
  • Expats: Landing jobs in government entities and free zone companies.
  • Golden Visa Applicants: Meeting specific category requirements.
Your Step-by-Step Guide to UAE Equivalency Process:
Follow these steps for equivalency process and secure your career by getting Equivalency certificate in UAE:
Step 1- The Process Start with: State/HRD Attestation in India
Your process starts with the attestation of your original degree certificate and transcript within India. This step ensures their validity is recognized by the UAE . However, the responsible authority and process vary significantly across states and universities.
  • HRD Department: In states like Maharashtra and Kerala, the Human Resource Development (HRD) department handles both degree and transcript authentication.
  • Separate Department/Board: Other states, like Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, have dedicated entities for higher education authentication, such as the Department of Collegiate and Technical Education (DCTE) or the Board of University Education (BUE).
  • University-based: A few states, like West Bengal, might delegate this task to the universities themselves, where you graduated.
Step 2- UAE Embassy Attestation
With your state/university attestation in hand, head to the UAE Embassy in India. They meticulously verify your documents and add their official seal, granting them recognition within the UAE context. Prepare the following documents:
  • Attested degree certificate and transcript
  • Original degree certificate and transcript (for verification)
  • Copy of your passport
  • Application form filled with accurate details
  • Payment receipt for the required fees
Step 3-MOFA Attestation
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) validates the UAE Embassy’s stamp and prepares your documents for official UAE recognition. This ensures your academic record is acknowledged in the desert. It will require the following Documents:
  • UAE Embassy-attested degree certificate and transcript
  • Original degree certificate and transcript (for verification)
  • Copy of your passport
  • Application form filled with accurate details
  • Payment receipt for the required fees
Step 4. Secure a GenuinityLetter , Genuinity certificate:
This document, obtained from the embassy, confirms your university’s accreditation. It’s mandatory for degrees from certain countries.
Step 5. UAE ICA/GDRFA Travel Report
How to Obtain an ICA/GDRFA Travel Report:
  • Online: UAE Immigration website > Services > Entry/Exit Report > Pay & Download the report.
  • In person: Service center > Passport & Visa copy > Fill form & Pay the fees.
Step 6 : Online Application via MOE Website
Register on the Ministry of Education website and upload:
  • Attested degree certificate and transcript
  • Original passport copy and proof of residence visa (if applicable)
  • Entry/exit stamps from your study country (if applicable)
  • Copy of your ID card (for non-citizens)
  • Additional documents based on your specific situation (e.g., delegation letter, embassy letter with university reply)
  • Pay the fee.
Equivalency Requirements Different Curriculums:
  • Requirements differ based on your academic background. For instance:
    • UAE high school graduates need minimum SAT, IELTS, or EMSAT scores.
    • British curriculum students require 5 approved O/AS/A Levels.
    • IB diploma students must pass 6 subjects with minimum scores.
  • Check the MOE website for detailed requirements across various curriculums.
Benefits of an Equivalency Certificate:
With your equivalency certificate in hand, you can:
  • Pursue higher education at UAE universities and colleges.
  • Apply for jobs in your field without qualification discrepancies.
  • Register with professional bodies to practice your chosen profession.
  • Streamline visa applications requiring verified qualifications.
Get started with GloboPrime Attestation Services in UAE

Schedule a free consultation with GloboPrime Attestation Services and get your questions answered by experts. We can assist you with document attestation and guide you through the equivalency process. getting your equivalency certificate in the UAE.

Please note that the above information regarding UAE visa regulations and equivalency processes is to the best of our knowledge which is subject to change without prior notice. We recommend confirming the latest requirements with the relevant government authorities (e.g., Ministry of Education) before applying.

How to get a birth certificate apostille in chennai? Comprehensive guide 2024

birth certificate apostille in chennai

What is apostille?

An apostille is a sticker issued by the ministry of foreign affairs. It serves as evidence that the document is authentic. When traveling to another country, you may be required to obtain an apostille as the government of the destination country wants assurance that the documents you provide are genuine and not counterfeit.
What is the process for Birth Certificate Apostille in India ?
Obtaining an Apostille for your Birth Certificate is Mandatory if you plan to relocate overseas. The Birth Certificate, being the initial document provided by the government, records your birth at the hospital and is subsequently issued by the municipal corporation.
In the previous versions of birth certificates, the individual’s name would not be included since it was customary to name the baby one month after birth. Therefore, if you have an older birth certificate, you will need to have it reissued with a name. Birth certificates without a name can still be processed, but the Apostille will have a blank space for the name. If you have a birth certificate issued in India and want to use it in a foreign country, you must obtain an apostille for it.
The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) is the sole authority responsible for issuing Apostille. There are essentially two types of Apostille: State attestation and SDM attestation. Opting for the appropriate type will result in time and cost savings. A valid Apostille will ensure that your travel plans are not obstructed by embassy rejection.
What is the Difference Between Apostille and Attestation ?
Attestation is a broad term under which all normal processes of attestation would include such as Notary Attestation, Apostille Attestation, Embassy Attestation. This Depends on the purpose of the attestation you will be required to do from the mentioned attestation listed above.
Notary Attestation: This is required for the use of Indian documents within the country.
Apostille Attestation: This is required from MEA is necessary when you are using Indian documents Abroad particularly in Hague Convention member countries.
Embassy Attestation: This is essential for using Indian documents in Countries that are not part of the Hague Convention.
Do I Need an Apostille for My Birth Certificate? Not every country requires an apostille. Check if your distinction country is on the Hague Convention country list:
When will you require MEA attestation for your birth certificate?
The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) is the sole authority responsible for issuing Apostille. There are essentially two types of Apostille: State attestation and SDM attestation. Opting for the appropriate type will result in time and cost savings. A valid Apostille will ensure that your travel plans are not obstructed by embassy rejection.
  • When traveling on a work visa.
  • When traveling on a dependent visa (spouse or partner).
  • When enrolling your children in a foreign school (schools require their birth certificates for admission).
  • When applying for a student visa (universities and consulates need it to verify your age).
  • When changing or transferring jobs.
  • When applying for a permanent resident visa.
  • When altering your visa status in a foreign country
What is the Process for birth certificate attestation?
1.State Authentication and MEA Apostille:
  • Recommended for documents destined for Hague Convention countries, except for specific exceptions like Austria and Italy.
  • Involves initial authentication by the State Home Department or designated authorities.
  • Processing time typically ranges from 3 to 4 weeks.
2. SDM Authentication and MEA Apostille:
  • Applicable for documents destined for Hague Convention countries, if State authentication is not mandatory.
  • Requires authentication by the Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) in your district.
  • Processing time may be shorter than State authentication, often around 10-15 days.
What is the Validity of the Apostille stamp ?
MEA Apostilles, whether through State or SDM Attestation, are valid for six months. While some countries may accept older Apostilles, it’s advisable to consult with an Apostille service provider for accurate information.
What is the Processing Time and Requirements for Birth Certificate Apostille?
The standard processing time for embassy and birth certificate attestation is three to four days, but it can vary based on circumstances. Original documents are required for Apostille, along with passport photocopies, Aadhar card, driving license, and passport-size photographs.
What are the Charges for Birth Certificate Apostille?
Charges for birth certificate attestation vary by state, and the cost depends on the document type and service provider. It’s recommended to consult a genuine Apostille service provider for accurate cost information.
What types of documents require an apostille in India?
Not all documents require an apostille. It depends on two main factors:
1. The destination country:
Hague Convention countries: If your destination country is one of the 101 member countries of the Hague Convention, an apostille is generally not required for most personal and educational documents. These documents already have a simplified authentication process through the apostille system. You can check the list of Hague Convention countries here:

Non-Hague Convention countries: For countries not part of the Hague Convention, you might need different forms of legalization, which could involve embassy or consulate authentication instead of an apostille. Contact the respective embassy or consulate of your destination country for specific requirements.

2. The type of document:
Personal documents: Most commonly apostilled personal documents include:
  • Birth certificates
  • Marriage certificates
  • Death certificates
  • Divorce decrees
  • Power of attorney
  • Affidavits
  • Educational documents: Documents related to education that often require apostilles:
  • School transcripts
  • University degrees
  • Diplomas
  • Certificates of completion
Commercial documents: Certain commercial documents might need apostilles for business purposes, such as:
  • Invoices
  • Contracts
  • Certificates of origin
  • Company registration documents

GloboPrime Attestation Services specialize in apostille attestation. We ensure your documents are attested quickly and accurately for use in Hague Convention countries.

We handle all aspects of apostille attestation, including:

  • Preparing your documents
  • Submitting your documents to the appropriate authorities
  • Tracking the attestation process
  • Collecting your attested documents

Ready for your smooth overseas journey? Contact us today for birth certificate apostille services in Chennai !

The countries listed below are not part of the Apostille Convention, necessitating the certification of any document requested by these nations. It is important that specific countries on this list might demand additional legalization through a Consulate or Embassy office.
  • Afghanistan
  • Algeria
  • Angola
  • Bangladesh
  • Benin
  • Burkina Faso
  • Burma (Myanmar)
  • Cambodia
  • Cameroon
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • China
  • Congo Republic
  • Congo Democratic
  • Ivory Coast
  • Cuba
  • Egypt
  • Eritrea
  • Ethiopia
  • Ghana
  • Guinea
  • Haiti
  • Indonesia
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Jamaica
  • Jordan
  • Kenya
  • Kuwait
  • Laos
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Macedonia
  • Madagascar
  • Malaysia
  • Mali
  • Mauritania
  • Nepal
  • Niger
  • Nigeria
  • Palestine
  • Philippines
  • Qatar
  • Rwanda
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Senegal
  • Sierra Leone
  • Singapore
  • Sri Lanka
  • Sudan
  • Syria
  • Taiwan
  • Tanzania
  • Togo
  • Thailand
  • Turkmenistan
  • UAE (United Arab Emirates)
  • Uganda
  • Vietnam
  • Yemen
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe

Your First Steps for Applying for Certificate Recognition in the UAE

If you earned your degree outside the UAE, you’ll need to have your certificates attested by the UAE Ministry of Education before they can be used for employment or further education here. This process verifies the authenticity of your credentials and determines the UAE equivalency.

To start your University recognition application( MOE Equivalency ), you’ll need to prepare the following key documents:

Verification Document

This verifies the authenticity of your certificate with the issuing university. You can request this through the Ministry’s trusted verification partners. Some embassies can also issue verifications.

University Degree Certificate

Submit a copy of your original graduation certificate or diploma, legalized if needed. Contact your university to request a new copy if needed.

Official Transcript

Provide a signed, stamped transcript covering your full period of study. Again, request this from your university if you don’t have it.

Passport Copy

Submit a copy of the passport you used at the time of graduation.

Thesis Abstract

If you completed a thesis, provide a summary abstract.

Keep in mind additional documents could be requested during the process. Having your documents ready in advance saves time.

The attestation process can take time, so start preparing your credentials early. And consider using an experienced provider for assistance. With the right documents in hand, you’ll be on your way to getting your foreign qualifications recognized in the UAE.

Here are some key points about the recognition process for university certificates issued outside the UAE:

  • The Ministry of Education (MOE) is responsible for recognizing and verifying foreign qualifications through a process called attestation or equivalency.
  • Attestation involves verifying the authenticity of certificates with the issuing university and relevant authorities in that country.
  • Equivalency involves comparing the foreign qualification to UAE qualification frameworks to determine the appropriate UAE equivalent.
  • The MOE has an online portal where individuals can start the process and upload documents for attestation/equivalency.
  • Certain countries have agreements with the UAE to mutually recognize qualifications, which can simplify the process. These include the GCC, Jordan, Lebanon and some European countries.
  • Degrees from accredited universities are more likely to be recognized. The MOE maintains a directory of accredited institutions based on approvals from organizations like ABET, AACSB, etc.
  • Professional qualifications may require additional steps with the relevant UAE licensing authorities in areas like engineering, healthcare, teaching, etc. before being approved to practice locally.
  • The process can be complicated and take time. Using an experienced provider or employer assistance is recommended.
  • In some cases, individuals may be required to pass additional exams or assessments before full equivalency is granted.
  • Final equivalency is typically required for employment in government entities and admission to some postgraduate programs locally.

So in summary, the MOE has procedures in place to verify and grant equivalency to foreign qualifications based on international standards and agreements. But individuals should be prepared for a process that can take time and patience.